I have been freaking busy over the past months. Somehow by the time I get home after work , I feel so drained out that my mind just went empty and I have nothing to blog.Guess age is really, really catching up.
Sometime in March I received a call from a girl who works in BluInc. Well, actually I have been contemplating if I should even blog about it. I just hated the outcome. Duh! But then...on second thoughts...what the heck! It's already being seen by thousands of readers nationwide.
Oh, well...back to the story....I got this call and was asked if I am keen for a beauty makeover which will be published in April's issue. I was initially excited. And so I said 'yes'.
I went to their office where the photoshoot was to take place. One hairstylist came from BSC to do my hair. She was told to curl it and then make my hair look natural and elegant. The make-up artist is from Bodyshop.
So I sat down and the hairstylist started to curl my hair. Looked myself into the mirror and I didn't quite like what I saw. But I said to myself...maybe I'm not used to seeing myself like this. Maybe because I am still without make-up, hence I looked so ugly. Maybe after the make-up, I will look ok. Maybe when it's on the magazine some touch ups will be done. So many maybe's.
Then the make-up artist turn to apply make-up on me. Hmm.....maybe I am outdated. Those days when I was taught on applying makeup, I have to use highlighter, concealer etc etc to make my nose look sharper, to shorten my face since it's too long, re-shape my lips and on and on. But this guy did it quite simply. Nothing of what I learned applies. After that, it was the hairstylist's turn again. Touch touch my hair, blow a bit. She couldn't get the style that she wanted. No choice.
Then I saw one good looking guy...no shirt. I could tell he's an European from his thick accent. He's got 4 packs...and another 2 packs slightly visible. Young, lean, dark brown hair. Real good looking. Must have just finished photo shooting because he came to remove his make-up and to get dressed. He was wiping off some water on his shoulder (must have been water sprayed on him to make him look sweaty). And there I was seated there looking at him through the mirror.
Guess what...?? He didn't even lift a wink to look at me!
How sad.....but that is understandable. If I were him, I won't either because I feel and looked like an old auntie at that point of time. I expected the makeover to make me look younger but I was wrong.
The outcome :

See lah...I looked so old. The hair is so ugly.
How sad.