Friday, November 27, 2009

Mixed Feelings

Most of the time, during the night, before Edrik and I go to bed, we have to have a round of game.

Simple games like tickling one another or telling stories or jokes. Sometimes we end up arguing. At times it can get quite bad.

One night Edrik started tickling me. In the midst of tickling, he got angry. I didn't know why. Then he started to sulk and took his bolster and slept on the floor. Crazy boy. I told him to come back up but he refused so I got angry because he was sulking. Then I said fine...don't come back up the bed and effective the next day, please sleep in your own room.

Guess what I found the next day when i got home after work
Well..."You Asked For It".

I was angry the night before and couldn't help laughing when I read this.

I Miss Him

Today is the 2nd day without Edrik at home. He has left for his drama camp - a 4D 3N program.

The entire household is unusually quiet without him. When I got back from work last night, my aunt said, "it's so boring without Edrik around. We have no one to nag at. We have no one to mess up the place". Oh well...that is Edrik alright, messy and noisy.

Yesterday while at work, I came across a message which read like this:

A simple message that really melted my heart. I guess he was trying to tell me not to worry about him because I was reminding him about taking good care of himself.

Today to kill the loneliness, I went on a shopping spree. Somehow no matter how hard I try to keep myself occupied, I still think of him.

Oh..the little devil......I can't wait to see him on Sunday. I just got to tell him how much I missed him.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lost & Found

Life is filled with colours again. How wonderful........

Just within this week, I finally reconnected with some old friends. From primary school to secondary school to ex-colleagues. I cannot believe this but yes, it is for real. I reconnect with not just one but a few.
Suddenly life is happening again. I spoke to a few of them, catching up with updates. For the umpteenth time I repeated my part. It's all being told like a script by now coz I have been answering the same questions and telling the same old uninteresting life of mine.
It is so strange how life revolve around us. At one point of time, I told myself I would never see this person again. Never thought we would someday touch base. But hey, thanks to the advance technology that we have, we are all finally reconnected.
We have all grown older and wiser, I supposed. Not to mention some has grown sideways while some still remain the same. I find myself more comfortable and chatty with all my long lost friends. Could it be because I am now more mature, more forgiving and have better PR skills?
I am still searching for some more old friends....just like searching for my lost soul. Once I find them I will categorise them under "Lost & Found".
It just fits perfectly well.