Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Damn....a few colleagues is down with some kind of virus attack. 1 person passing it on to another.

The latest being diagnosed with bronchitis and yet he is here to work. I don't know who started it but what I do know is this virus is contagious. It was passed on to another colleague and she fell ill. Another been sniffing and coughing since last year and yet comes to work.

2 days ago, I felt soreness in my throat. I doubled my water consumption and I felt better. Today Boss reported he is also feeling a bit unwell. 2 more colleagues have started coughing.

Suddenly the sickly ones seemed to be so hard at work. Today 3 sickly ones coughed at the same time, openly in the office. And they could still laughed at it.Damn.... it is so bloody unhygiene. So gerammmmmm with these people. For goodness sake, they need to be quarantined.

Sh**...when you are unwell, please stay at home and get some rest. Don't bring the virus to the office.

Chinese New Year is coming. I cannot afford to fall ill. So many assignments are piling on my deskwith datelines to meet. I musn't fall ill. Can't they be considerate?
I think I should get a disinfectant spray and shield myself from the viruses. Would it work, I wonder?

"I now pray that you will not befallen with illnesses and that you are shield from the viruses. Should the viruses come anywhere near you within a 3km distance, they shall be zapped and burnt to death".

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